December 11, 1953: National Security Council Report Recommends "feasible political, economic, propaganda and covert measures" to Destabilize Hungary

Target State: People’s Republic of Hungary Dates: Approximately 1949-1956 (however, 1956 uprising took them by surprise.) Tactics: Covert – Psychological warfare, dissidents Type of Operation: Offensive Regime Replaced: No Primary Source Documents: • National Security Council (October 5, 1949) “NSC-58 on Policy Toward Eastern Europe,” link. • CIA Historical Staff, The Clandestine Service Historical Series, Hungary, Volume II, External Operations, 1946 - 1965, May 1972, link. • CIA Clandestine Services History, The Hungarian Revolution and Planning for the Future, 23 October - 4 November 1956, Volume I of II, January 1958, link. • Department of Army (January 5, 1956) “Study Prepared for U.S. Army Intelligence, Hungary: Resistance Activities and Potentials,” link. • Radio Free Europe Memorandum (1956) “Policy Review of Voice for Free Hungary Programming, 23 October – 23 November 1956,” link. • National Security Council (December 11, 1953) “NSC 174: Report to the National Security Council by the National Security Council Planning Board,” link.

Source: Lindsey O'Rourke, Covert Regime Change,