1967: US-Backed Somoza Dictatorship Massacres Civilians

Somoza regime massacre of civilians in Nicaragua, 1967

1975: CIA Begins Funding Death Squads in Angola

CIA begins funding anti-government militias in Angola: "the Forty Committee of the National Security Council in Washington authorized the CIA to pass $300,000 to Roberto and the FNLA for “various political action activities, restricted to non-military objectives.” Such funds of course can always free up other funds for military uses." Since 1969, Roberto had been on a $10,000-a-year retainer from the CIA. [Stockwell claims $265,000 instead]

Source: , William Blum, Killing Hope, ch 41. Stockwell p. 54
1980: Chemical Attack on Demonstrators in El Salvador

"A demonstration march by a coalition of popular organizations on 22 January was first sprayed with DDT by crop-duster planes along the route of the march; then, when the demonstrators reached San Salvador’s central plaza, snipers fired at them from surrounding government buildings; at least 21 dead and 120 seriously wounded was the toll"

Source: , Blum, Killing Hope
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