1982: US-Trained Military Dictator Takes Power in Guatemala

US-trained military dictator Efraín Ríos Montt takes power via military coup: "On March 23, the coup culminated with the installation of a three-man military junta, presided by General Efraín Ríos Montt and composed also of General Horacio Maldonado Schaad and Colonel Luis Gordillo Martínez."

"Montt attended a training course at SOA in 1950."

2012: US-Trained Military Dictator Launches Coup in Mali

"A total of 14 government officials and ministers were held hostage in the Kati military barracks outside Bamako", in the early days of a military coup led by US-trained Amadou Sanogo: "U.S. military officials have acknowledged that Sanogo "participated in several U.S.-funded International Military Education and Training (IMET) programs in the United States, including basic officer training," though it's not yet clear which courses he took. He has affirmed receiving U.S. training in several interviews, but has declined to elaborate. Until this month's events, the United States allocated $600,000 per year for military training in Mali as part of an effort to combat Al Qaeda in the Islamic Maghreb."

Source: NPR
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