1957: US Declares Unilateral Right to Intervene in Middle East

US passes "Joint Resolution to Promote Peace and Stability in the Middle East": "Si:c. 2. The President is authorized to undertake, in the general area of the Middle East, military assistance programs with any nation or group of nations of that area desiring such assistance. Further- more, the United States regards as vital to the national interest and world peace the preservation of the independence and integrity of the nations of the Middle East. To this end, if the President determines the necessity thereof, the United States is prepared to use armed forces to assist any such nation or group of such nations requesting assistance against armed aggression from any country controlled by international communism: Provided,, That such employment shall be consonant with the treaty obligations of the United States and with the Constitution of the United States. SEC. 3. The President is hereby authorized to use during the balance of fiscal year 1957 for economic and military assistance under this Middle E a s t . E c o n o m i c a s - s i s t a n c e . Military ance. a s s i s t - U s e of a p p r o - priations.

PUBLIC LAW 85-8-MA.R. U , 1957 [71 S T A T . 68 Stat. 832. 22 u s e 1751 note. 22 u s e 1815. 1921, 70 Stat. 733. Restriction. Report to e o n - g r e s s i o n a l Com- mittees. U . N . Emergency Force. Report g r e s s . t o Con- Expiration. joint resolution not to exceed $200,000,000 from any appropriation now available for carrying out the provisions of the Mutual Security Act of 1954"

Source: Lindsey O'Rourke, Covert Regime Change
1960: Pro-Cuban Newspaper Reporter Shot in Tampa, Florida

"A correspondent for Revolucion newspaper is attacked by gunfire in the city of Tampa, Florida, in the United States"

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